Work Productivity: Learn why it is crucial to success by ITALdoors

Work Productivity is crucial to success, this is why companies around the world are taking steps to implement productivity in the workplace. This allows getting more quality work done in a shorter period of time as well as reduce the amount of time spent on unnecessary tasks. By implementing small changes to daily operations a company can drastically improve the levels of productivity and office efficiency in business.

Here are the top 10 tips on how to get the most out of your company employees and ensure that their productivity is kept to a maximum:

1. Stop multitasking

It can be tempting to want to take care of a few tasks at once, especially if they seem small or easy. But it simply doesn’t work. According to neuroscience professor Earl K. Miller, “multitasking is not humanly possible.” We are fooling ourselves when we say we can easily juggle phone calls, presentations, and eating lunch. Focus on one task at a time, and you will actually end up completing it faster.

2. Take breaks

We might think working longer hours means we are getting more done, but we never work as well when we are burned out. Studies show that taking regular short breaks helps concentration and boosts your mood. Take a five-minute walk around the office, or spend 15 minutes grabbing that mid-afternoon coffee.

3. Set small goals

Sometimes, looking at our goals can be overwhelming. Seeing a handful of big projects on our calendar can be stressful… but if you break it up into smaller tasks, that will allow you to feel more in control and be much more productive. Rather than write down “finish project,” break that into all the tasks it will take to complete it. This will keep you on track in your day-to-day and make the bigger projects seem less unsetting.

4. Take care of the biggest tasks when you’re most alert

We all sometimes push aside big goals because we’re not confident we’ll accomplish them… And by the time we get to them, we are too burned to give it the attention it needs. That’s how projects end up bleeding into additional days and making it feel like productivity has disappeared. Understanding when and how you work best is key to getting those big projects done on time. There is no set schedule that works for everyone… if you are a morning person, tackle the big tasks first thing in the morning.

5. Implement the “two-minute rule”

Make the most of your time at work by filling those tiny windows with actual tasks. According to entrepreneur Steve Olenski, finding and immediately completing tasks that take two minutes or less actually saves you time. So, if it takes less than two minutes, do it now.

6. Delegate

Delegation comes with an element of risk, but increased responsibility is important for improving the morale and job satisfaction of your staff. Give responsibilities to qualified employees that have a proven track record with success in a certain field, and trust that they will perform the tasks well.

7. Reduce distractions

Social media can be a huge productivity killer, but it is not practical to have a no-phone policy. Instead, try to keep employees focused and engaged while allowing them breathing room.
Encourage employees to turn off their mobiles but take regular breaks during which they can be free to check their phones. This will ensure that the time spent at their desks is more productive.

8. Improve workplace conditions

A comfortable working temperature is between 68 and 70 degrees F (20-21 C). An environment that’s too hot or too cold distracts from concentration because employees will spend more time walking around to get their coats or an electric fan. Ensure both heating and air-conditioning systems are in working order for when the relevant season comes around.

9. Practice positive reinforcement

Encourage, motivate and reward. Tell employees they are doing a good job and give constructive criticism. Most importantly, offer personal incentives for doing the job well – could they get a free holiday or a free takeout coffee for performing above and beyond their roles?
You should clearly indicate thesuccess of one employee to other staff to cultivate a sense of fulfillment to motivate others.

10. Ensure employees are happy

A stressful workplace indeed will not yield results. Workers that constantly operate under highly stressful conditions are found to be less productive and have higher levels of disengagement and absenteeism … They need to be happy!

Not every day will be perfectly productive but do not beat yourself up over it. Instead, refocus your energy and implement these tips. Once you find the sweet spot that works for you, you will be amazed at how much more you can get done both in and out of the office.

Now excuse me while I go take my 15-minute break. You should take one too.

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