
The Role of Social Media Platforms in Interior Design

One can hardly fathom that there was ever a time when social media did not exist. It is even harder to imagine a world where what’s trending could not be found at our fingertip’s reach. Social media, in its various mediums, has quickly become the answer to this generation’s busy schedules and the perpetual need to know. This is especially true of consumers who rely on trending products and relevant information obtained through social media connections for their next great shopping find. Statistically speaking, 74% of consumers rely on social media to research local products and services. Probably even more telling is the reported 71% of consumers who are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media. It seems apparent, then, that whomever sits on the other side of the computer and telephone screens would be remiss if they did not leverage the demand of their goods and services with a dominant presence in the social media arena.

In the world of home and interior design, there is a visual aesthetic that trumps most all other sensory applications. Further, this is an industry that relies solely on what is catching and pleasing to the eye. In years passed, clients of interior designers relied on presentations that included a rolling suitcase filled wood and tile samples…perhaps a few swatches of carpeting…and almost always a stack of catalogs and other collections of reading material to help make important design choices. Looking back, we now see how laborious a process this was. Today, clients are equipped with endless streams of digital information that help to streamline the tasks of the designer and create an environment conducive to creative flow and expression. With social media platforms such as Pinterest, Houzz, and Instagram where the attention of the viewer is captured in just seconds, homeowners are empowered now more than ever to take on DYI projects themselves and have the arsenal needed to seek out professionals they have deemed worthy based on their exposure to various mediums of social media and networking.   

Here are some of the more commonly-used platforms in social media:


There is good reason why this media outlet is listed first. An impressive 71% of online adults use Facebook and do so on a regular basis. This translates to a mind-blowing 1.39 billion monthly active users…1.39 billion!!! It isn’t hard to imagine that there is endless buying potential among such staggering numbers. Of all social media, Facebook is the most trusted for product and service recommendations. In fact, 54% of all adults use Facebook to share product purchases. In the home and decor industry, one professional might post “before and after” pictures from a recent project that will appeal to other users who share a similar aesthetic. The same can be said of a homeowner who uses Facebook to share a recent shopping bargain from a local retail store. The networking possibilities are endless.


Pulling up in a close second is also a giant in the social media circuit. YouTube comfortably secures its spot with an impressive 50% of adult followers who frequent the sight on a regular basis. This translates to a smug 1 billion monthly active users…not bad for second!!! What’s unique about Instagram and its appeal is that over 80% of its traffic comes from outside the U.S. What this does is tap into an international exposure that, if optimized, can drive up purchasing power and land some very nice profits for advertisers who are wise enough to capitalize on this almost-free marketing tool. If this phenomena wasn’t impressive enough, there is a reported 100 hours of video uploaded each minute by YouTube followers. Italian door company, for example, has a running video on YouTube that delivers a high-quality broadcast capturing an editorial display of its doors in various mediums. The intent is to appeal to a general audience by showcasing selected pieces that yield high interest and evoke the viewer to inquire about the product.


Now, this next social media mogul carries some very interesting ammunition. Instagram is a key player in what takes place on the social networking and marketing stage. Holding its own with a captivated audience of 300 million monthly active users, Instagram has the added arsenal of having a user engagement that is 4 times higher than any other social media platform running. With over 49% of its users logging into the site daily, Instagram is vastly growing in its appeal to vendors and marketers alike. Trailing Facebook by only fractions, Instagram boasts of a conversion rate of 1.08% with an average cost per order of $65.00. It should be noted that 90% percent of Instagram’s followers are under the age of 35. However, what these numbers suggest is that maybe advertisers should take a considerable look at the buying power of this tenacious group of consumers and possibly fashion a marketing model that will appeal to their interests. One such way this can be done in the home and design arena is to draw attention to an upcoming home or art exhibit where specific products will be on display by posting very engaging and trending pics in the weeks leading up to the event. As the presence on social media grows, interest will follow.


Also holding strong is the very popular Twitter. With a loyal base of 100 million daily active users, Twitter packs a punch in the social media ring as well. As with Instagram, Twitter users are proven to be very active with 46% actively participating at some point in the day. With 5,700 “tweets” (Twitter lingo) transmitted every second, there is no denying the presence of this networking contender. Users rely on Twitter to deliver trending topics and breaking news in real time. The appeal is in its abbreviated requirement of only 140 characters to relay a info-packed message. This is ideal for professionals and people on-the-go who want to remain on the button of what’s now, but without the commitment of time expected from other more involved social media platforms. Instead of long narratives and detailed accountings of events, one will find hashtags and quick invites to attend a local show at a popular coffee shop. Interior designers often use the Twitter platform in ways that will attract new followers who can then be courted along various projects and included in future industry events.


Finally, the newcomer of the bunch…Pinterest. Quickly learning the ropes, Pinterest earns this spotlight in its acquirement of 70 million monthly active users. This is no shabby figure. Let’s look at a few nuances of the Pinterest audience: 42% of women in the U.S. are Pinterest users. It is a known fact that women are driven by what is aesthetically-pleasing and inspired by the same. So, there is no wonder women everywhere are “pin” happy and giddy with excitement over the picturesque platform Pinterest has to offer. But, this “pinning” addiction doesn’t just stop here. 49% of active users claim they use the inspiration from their pin boards in lieu of catalogs for their online purchases. Opposite of Instagram who attracts a younger audience, Pinterest seems to be a winner among women between the ages of 35-54 with a median age of 40. This knowledge is helpful to advertisers who might rely on the opinions and ultimate patronage by a more seasoned, mature crowd. Also notable is the fact that home decor is among the top “pinned” and browsed categories on Pinterest. No doubt, here is where advertisers get to show off and put on a display of their prized inventory. It is here where an interior designer can demonstrate his/her knack for mixing chevron patterns with a textured wall or where an established glass company can lay out its newest design in fiber-stained glass. Having the vehicle of pictures that draw the eye in, the  marketing opportunities here are really endless.

Undoubtedly, times have changed and progressed toward the better. We have become notably more engaged with the nuances of social media and marketing. We are now thriving in a world of boundless possibilities all at our fingertips. Whether we find ourselves on the side of the consumer or the marketer, the dominance and reign of the digital world is one that can not be denied nor will it be replaced with its former, antiquated counterpart. It’s only forward from here.

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