Reliable Home Remodeling Vendors : Continuing home remodeling during COVID-19

Hello! 👋 We have put together a list of reliable industry partners that can ease up the process of home remodeling.  If you have home remodeling plans being put on hold, there are may resources still available to continue planning for when business start re-opening. Tap the image for local resources to home renovation experts that are ready to assist you with your project!

COVID-19 has impacted many people and their home remodeling plans and changed the supply chain. However, homeowners now spend more time than ever at home, and they get much more idea or time for the research.

Dur­ing the pandemic, the home trans­formed from a mere liv­ing space to a mul­ti-func­tion­ing enter­prise of liv­ing. Suddenly, the home became a living place, workplace, and school. People felt the need for home remodeling since houses don’t have a design to be all these things. The other important reason for a lot of people was safety.

At ITALdoors,  we are offering safe one-on-one appointments to our showroom.  If you need assistance with door models and finishes, if you have project questions, our door specialists can virtually assist you.  Door finish samples are available via mail (safely handling) so you can start gathering all that you need for your home renovation process!

HomExpo Miami

Vonn Lighting

Florida Design Magazine


MATERIA Collection 


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