A guide to popular front door styles

Architecture, mostly the one of residential areas, is a mirror of history. The most popular American house styles reflect the building of traditions and desires that have developed over time and place. Accelerated travel through American history is reflected in building design and community planning.

Buying a front door is not as easy task as it seems at a first glance. And it is not about choosing the most favorable door model, nor about the aesthetically most beautiful model. Several reasons should occupy your attention when you start looking for the perfect front door.

In this guide, we will look at different aspects of your entrance door and explain why you might want to choose one. The aesthetics of your home will give you an idea of the style of door you plan to buy. Naturally, you need to adapt the style to the overall design of your house.


The American lifestyle

A house built in the American style can easily be learned by its specific features: low foundation, horizontal way of accommodation, asymmetrical roof, and a large number of windows equipped with shutters. American-style buildings have several wings, each of which differs in ceiling height.

Regardless of how many floors the house has, there must be two entrances. Most common, the entrance door and the additional one, the entrance to the garage. The front entrance is equipped with a wide porch, while the facade has a veranda.

The American style in the interior of the house presupposes simplicity and practicality, it does not use expensive materials, and it is enough to imitate them. It is most important because harmoniously chosen colors of the solution achieve the effect of naturalism. Furniture in the interior is used a lot, preferably a solid size. A fireplace is usually an indispensable element of the interior of an American house.


Modern doors

Modern front doors embody everything that makes home design modern and representative. They emphasize simple lines and clean geometric shapes without any decorations. The most common modern doors are those made of wood or panels.

You can even find doors that represent imitation of the wooden ones. Such doors may include steel or features of such a design. These are usually details such as rivets, handles, and other types of elements that draw attention to the fact that it is steel.

Hardware on modern doors is equally minimalist, although it is often larger than the hardware you see on traditional doors. It is also less likely that modern doors will have glass, certainly less than other types of doors.


Alternatives and natural door look


Aluminum entrance doors are an affordable alternative to wood as well as fiberglass, offering many advantages of these materials in a package that is easy to maintain. Aluminum doors are usually treated to withstand the destruction of the external environment. Also, it can be finished in various ways that provide intense aesthetic pleasure.

In terms of security, aluminum doors are almost as strong as steel doors and can be designed to mimic the appearance and feeling of stronger metal. When it comes to insulation, aluminum doors are not in the range of wooden, but they are an equally good solution. If security is your primary concern, then a door like this will be your right choice.

Naturally, if you are a traditionalist and appreciate real natural materials, nothing can replace wood. But if you are a pragmatist who values versatility, durability, and the possibility of thermal insulation and wants a door that requires virtually no maintenance, then consider such door made of fiberglass . This material can be a great visual alternative, but above all of a practical nature, due to its functionality.


Traditional style and elegance

Wooden doors dominate in this domain because wood has a tradition on its side. It also has the beauty, integrity, and feeling of a completely natural material that is impossible to replicate. When most people think of a front door, their minds automatically turn to wood. Even of many who are willing to consider alternative materials, such as fiberglass because it can replace the appearance of natural wood.

Wooden doors give you countless design possibilities. They can have windows or be without windows. The same as they have strength and weight that many consider pleasant for aesthetic and safety reasons. Solid wood doors also provide decent insulation and, with proper care, significantly contribute to the attractiveness and market appearance of your home.

On the other hand, wooden doors require maintenance because they are prone to rot, cracking, and bending if not maintained properly. If you choose a traditional wooden door, you must be prepared for the appropriate price, because quality wooden doors are not cheap. And also be prepared to accept that you will have to paint them periodically to keep them in perfect condition.


What is your favorite style?


The entrance door is more than an element that separates the world from the inside of the world from the outside. It has an important role in determining the size of your energy bills, it will play a role in determining how your home will be noticed by your guests and neighbors. Additionally, it will also play a role in determining the market value of your home.

What do you primarily need to be guided by when choosing a style? On the one hand, by our aesthetic standards. You also need to take care of the overall design in which you would fit the style. Also consider the climate, due to external influences on your door. And finally, very importantly, the budget you have.

When you make the ideal mix, the door will pick itself and fit into your home. We hope these guidelines have been helpful. You can find even better guidelines in catalog of our doors that you have available on the ITALdoors website, and for any additional support or information, you can contact us.

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