10 Ways to De-Stress at Work – Top favorite picks by ITALdoors

De-Stress yourself at work – here are some useful tips!

1. Get a Head Start
Leave home 30 minutes earlier than normal.
Studies find that the less rushed you feel
in the morning, the less stressed you’ll be for the rest of the day.

2. De-clutter your workspace
A clear space is a clear mind! Decluttering and organizing your workspace
means you can always find what you need, so you avoid last minute stress.

3. Make a to-do List
A to do list clearly organizes your tasks and prioritizes them.
Completing each task means you get to remove it
from the list, gives you an enhanced sense of accomplishment.

4. Tea over coffee
We’ve come to associate coffee with energy, but teas can have a more positive effect on the mood and overall health.
Try jasmine, lavender or chamomile teas for calming effects; if you suffer from a nervous stomach when you’re stressed
try a ginger tea. Bonus: try these blended in a green tea to keep your caffeine and help lose weight over time and regular use

5. Take a screen break
Continuous computer usage has long been associated with stress and lost sleep.
Getting away from your screen allows you to rest your eyes, and your mind as you focus on something else.
Also, it calms your mind, and eases your nerves, making you feel de-stress.

Taking the time to stretch can instantly decrease your stress level.
It relaxes your muscles, improves blood flow, and decreases feelings of tension.
The additional movement also gives you an energy boost,
which can help you get through the day.

7. Get some Fresh Air
Getting some extra oxygen can really help clear your head.
It also boosts endorphins in your brain, lifting your mood
in instant and decreasing feelings of anxiety and stress.
Deep breathing is one of the fastest ways to calm down and gain some clarity.
Sometimes we just need to get away
from our desks to put things into perspective.

8. Healthy Snacks
Hangry employees cause stress to themselves
and to their coworkers.
Furthermore, on the same note, employees who snack on greasy
or sugar-loaded foods are likely to crash and burn in the energy department.

A simple solution for de-stress? Healthy snacking! Providing healthy snacks at work or encouraging and educating employees about healthy snacking can help to give employees a healthy energy boost.
Healthy snacks fuel the body without causing harm down the road.

9. Praise yourself at least once a day
Most of us don’t take enough time to praise ourselves for doing things well. So when you’ve completed an interim or long-term goal, tell yourself—out loud—what a good job you’ve done. You’ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool amid the workplace madness.

10. Slow Down!
Stress can be physical, slow down by focusing on your breathing. My favorite is to stop and take three deep breaths. It really helps!

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